While yet again de-potting another MAC eye shadow I figured I would share with you how I do this!
Materials! This already feels like a science experiment (Oh Dear), This is all you need!
A straightener or flat iron, your MAC eye shadow, and a small knife
(don't worry you won't be performing surgery)
1. First, heat your flat iron or straightener as high as it can go!
2. Next, take your handy dandy knife and pop out the eye shadow. Stick the tip of the knife into the are you see that the two pieces disconnect and viola!
3. Next place the smaller pot you just disconnected on your pre-heated straightener. When I do this is generally take the knife and continuously pick it up, when you notice the pot is sticking to the straighter that means the plastic is melting ( don't worry it generally does not get on the straightener, if it does however one your flat iron or straightener cools simply wipe it of with a cloth!)
4. Now that the plastic is heated you can remove the eye shadow. Carefully do this, take your time if not you may cut the eye shadow!
5. BONUS The next step is not by any means required, I then take the larger pot (remember that?) I put that on the straightener, for about 5 seconds and then I am able to remove the sticker which has the eye shadow name on it! Then put this on the back of the eye shadow so when you run out you will know the name!
6. Finally, the reason why you would even de-pot in the first place, to fill in pallets. Palettes are $10 at MAC, you can get the m in duos or quads, I suggest getting them in quads, they are the same price and it makes sense to get more for less (I am going to stop before I sound like a commercial).
Now you have filled or added another color to your MAC pallet AND you have an empty pot! Soon to come creative things to do with these empty containers, and if your not that crafty you can take 6 of these to a MAC store for a free, that's right free no purchase necessary, lipstick!!
I hope you enjoyed this, I wanted to share how I do it in case you were wondering how or wanted to compare or anything in between.
Thaaaaaaanks for reading!
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